Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

My sister-in-law sent me this inspiring and kind quote today.Thought I will share it with my viewer's.

Make 2014 a year to make positive changes in your life. The greatest simple thing you can do is to be kind and thoughtful to one another. It can make such a difference and changes energy for you and others. May you have a peaceful and happy new year!
Best Wishes,
Karen x

Monday 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas One and All.

Season Greetings,
As you can tell, It's been a while since I last published anything. I've been extremely busy with supporting my clients back to wellness. It's been a hectic but very productive time and I am now looking forward to the festive rest with the knowledge that my clients are going to have a more relaxed and happier Christmas. This for me is the best Christmas present as it puts a smile on my face and a warmth in my heart.
I would like to wish everyone a Relaxed and Peaceful Christmas.
Best Wishes,
Karen x